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Old 11-22-2021, 02:15 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
There’s a reason Fox News is not allowed in other countries

Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg pointed to a breaking point earlier this month: network star Tucker Carlson's three-part series on the Jan. 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol that relied on fabrications and conspiracy theories to exonerate the Trump supporters who participated in the attack.

"It's basically saying that the Biden regime is coming after half the country and this is the War on Terror 2.0," Goldberg tells NPR. "It traffics in all manner of innuendo and conspiracy theories that I think legitimately could lead to violence. That for me, and for Steve, was the last straw."
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"There’s a reason Fox News is not allowed in other countries "

Yes, there is. It's the same exact reason why liberals riot when a conservative is invited to speak on a college campus. Liberals don't like being challenged. Liberals don't like opposing ideas. Because they know their ideas don't hold up well to an honest comparison with conservative ideas.

I like Goldberg and Hayes. I'm sorry to see them go, I found them both extremely logical and decent. I agree with them that Tuckers special on January 6 was weird. What CNN and MSNBC have said about January 6th is equally outrageous to me.

I don't watch Fox alot. and so much for the hosts (though I'll take them over anyone on CNN or MSNBC).. I like the guests. I always loved Charles Krauthammer, and now I love Victor Davis Hansen. You won't find anything close to those two men, anywhere on MSNBC or CNN or anywhere else. No one comes close.

January 6th was a few dozen jerks who threw a temper tantrum. Maybe a few of them hoped that somehow they were going to change the election results, but that's a few kooks. There was no widespread plot, no more than there's widespread plot among white cops to slaughter black people, yet every TV station other than Foxnews claims there is, and that stupid claim has led to violence and murder.

I posted a video of an exchange on MSNBC the day the Rittenhouse verdict was reached. It was as dishonest, unhinged, and deranged as anything I'll ever hear on Foxnews.

There's partisan nonsense on the air at Foxnews. Just like there is at every other lefty station. But you occasionally get something honest or thought-provoking at Fox that I don't see anywhere else. And I look.

The night of the verdict, Chris Cuomo shocked me by saying the verdict was the only possible outcome under the law. It was refreshing. If he could do that more often, I'd watch him more often. But it was more likely a desperate attempt to convince Rittenhouse not to sue the pants off that place, which he will surely do anyway.

I can watch Foxnews, and turn it off when rabid partisans are simply howling at the moon. On the other networks, that's all there is. Jujst like with you guys here.
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