Thread: Yellowstone
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Old 11-09-2021, 02:38 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Slipknot View Post
Malcolm Beck never did die, only one I can think of that could pull off that coordinated attack.
Loved the rattlesnake
Casey is a badass
Great show!
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Rip and Casey are awesome. Rip shakes up the cooler first to get the snake all ticked off.

Great show, I read it was the highest rated cable TV episode in 4 years.

Great show, story looks a lot like The Godfather.

Head of the family, has one screwed up son who betrays them (Fredo/Jamie). Godfather also has an adopted son who is the familys lawyer (Tom Hagen, like Jamie).

daughter is a drunken mess (Connie/Beth)

other son, the most capable one, is a war vet who originally wants nothing to do with the family business, but gets sucked in. (Michael/Casey)

Head of family takes in a lost soul who repays him with limitless loyalty (Luca Brasi / Rip)

I mean, that's a lot of similarities. Just waiting for the horses head to be in someones bed.
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