Thread: Durham report
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Old 11-06-2021, 02:41 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Was Carter Page charged with a Crime? if he wasn't then the system worked as designed.
No, the system was designed so that those applying for a FISA warrant must tell the truth. That they must not lie. And that those who did not follow the systems rules must be prosecuted for breaking the law.

The system was not designed to unlawfully request and get a FISA warrant on someone who was not being investigated, nor was guilty of anything, in order to sneakily use it, AGAINST the system design, as a back door to spy on others who it would not be possible to get FISA warrants to spy on.

The system was totally trashed. The law was egregiously broken. There was insignificant price that the guilty law breakers paid. An innocent person was put through hell, had his reputation destroyed, and it all showed that the rest of us are not protected from abuse of the system. That the system does not, as designed, protect us, you and me, all Americans, who are not guilty, from illegal, unconstitutional government breach of our individual right to privacy and from the personal destruction of our character and financial well being, if the government wishes it to be so.

Either the system did not work as designed, or it was designed with treacherous hidden government fail safes which enable it to do to us what it promised could not be done to us when Congress approved of the FISA process to "safeguard" us from government tyranny.
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