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Old 11-04-2021, 07:54 AM   #134
Jim in CT
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Here, we see the young Loudon County teacher who quit this summer over racially divisiveness nonsense that was being rammed down her throat.

Again, there might not have been a pamphlet called "CRT", but we all know what we're talking about, the notion that whites all owe some debt because of our collective privilege.

Did this teacher walk away from her career, over something she fabricated?

Keep saying that they're all racists and liars, that strategy is working really well.

Biden won in 2020 because he wasn't Trump. Trump is gone now (hopefully for good, which somehow makes me a Trumplican for saying that), so the democrats are going to have to find something else to use, to appeal to Americans. They were unable to come up with that something, in the light-blue state of VA.

There's so many accomplishments the democrats can point to, as their selling point for 2022...not being able to pass an infastructure bill that everyone wants (even though they control the entire federal government), boys in girls bathrooms, boys competing against girls in physical sports, inflation, surging gas prices, late term abortions, defunding police (completely rejected in Minneapolis, the birthplace of the 2020 riots), teaching white children that they are born stained with sin, closing schools, tax increases, green new deals, open borders, wiping out student loans, calling everyone a racist who disagrees with you on any subject...I mean come on! These are issues that all of America will rally behind!
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