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Old 11-04-2021, 05:38 AM   #128
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
this is correct, there is no CRT101 to select as a course but CRT is being woven into the curriculum just like every other leftists pet cause, they are not educating, they are attempting to indoctrinate children, turning them into useful little social justice warriors and probably democrat voters...and they'll mock you for pointing this out

there is no open/out of the box thinking in schools, teachers and administrators are more dictatorial and activist than ever and don't tolerate opinions that differ from one spends more time on social media than the teachers I know, virtue signaling and sharing memes and making comments that they think make them appear smarter and more evolved that anyone who dares to disagree with's pretty amusing

....if you spend any time with a teacher and see the materials that encourage and direct their teaching or if you are involved in schools and see what and how the kids are being taught it's abundantly obvious and it's poisonous

after Jan 6th, I got a letter from my kid's school superintendent telling me what to think about what happened there as it relates to racism and he provided lot's of links where I could go to tell me how to explain to my kids all of the racism involved in what happened on Jan 6th

that's not education, that's activism and propaganda and someone wandering WAY out of their lane using their position to push their beliefs .....they are not educators/administrators FIRST... but political activists
and if you get angry over any of that, you’re a domestic terrorist,
according to the Biden administration.

and what happened in VA and NJ tuesday, in my opinion, was a repudiation of all that. Two states that a month ago no one doubted would remain blue, turned 10+ points to the right after 10 months of what you described. If those two states pivoted that far to the right, where are we in swing states like FL and NC?
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