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Old 11-01-2021, 09:08 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
i was skeptical before trump. in two consecutive governors races in CT, there were big cities ( Hartford and Bridgeport) where shockingly, they ran out of ballots on election day, and those polling places ( where 98% of the vote is democratic) stayed open way later then 8 pm. funny, they always had enough ballots in the few places that lean right. only the deep blue polling places had to stay open for a few extra hours.

mail-in balloting is ripe with potential for fraud. how many people can truly analyze signatures? i’m not saying there IS large scale fraud. but there could be, and we wouldnt know.

and when there’s a very clear pattern of democrats being meaningfully behind at midnight, and then coming from behind after everyone goes to bed for the night, well, when that keeps happening, it’s hard not to ask some questions. obviously it could be totally legit.

i sleep fine at night, but I’m skeptical.

And stacey abrams still
claims her election was stolen, and she gets more and more powerful on the democratic side. but it’s ok when she does it.
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Back on the Kool aid ?

So that’s why Biden won by 4 million more vote

Because A state kept one poling location open so people could exercise their constitutional right to vote to include Republicans and your shocked how someone can run out of ballots. Another example of supply and demand , . in your state voter turn out was up 6.5 point from

Voter turnout increased in every U.S. state during the 2020 general election
And still Trump lost .. yet everyone was told mail in ballots get counted last..

And since when does potential fraud
Have more weight then actually fraud. That 33% of Republicans are not skeptical their brainwashed by Trumps lie the same lie he and his supporters are still spreading and it November

Jim Abrams never said the election was stolen thats a the rights spin

"I acknowledge that former Secretary of State Brian Kemp will be certified as the victor in the 2018 gubernatorial election," Abrams said, according to NPR. "But to watch an elected official who claims to represent the people in this state baldly pin his hopes for election on suppression of the people's democratic right to vote has been truly appalling."

No claims of mass fraud just pre election behavior of kemp sec of state purging voter rolls prior to his election as Gov . Legal yes ethical maybe bad optics definitely

Abrams didn't try to challenge the results.

"Nobody ever sought to overturn the results of the election," in 2018

But as usual you think Trumps refusing to concede and still claiming the election was rigged and stolen . And Abrams claims are somehow exactly the same or even similar .. is a poor example
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