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Old 10-25-2021, 07:26 AM   #20
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Yes Jim money is why the FBI met with LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT that’s funny ..

Not the escalating threats to schoolboard members across the nation of the combined effort of right wing talking heads and groups promoting disruptive methods

Conservative groups are training activists to swarm school board meetings

Critical race theory battle invades school boards — with help from conservative groups
In towns nationwide, well-connected conservative activists, and Fox News, have ramped up the tension in fights over race and equity in schools.

School boards across America are under attack by conservative parents whose fears of woke liberalism are being stoked by national organizations affiliated with Donald Trump and the Republican Party, as well as Fox News and other conservative media outlets.

One conservative group has gone so far as to suggest that public school teachers should be equipped with body cams so that parents can monitor every word their children hear and be ready to counter perceived liberal indoctrination.

Jim Trump Republicans are sheep motivated by fear . And conspiracy
Radicalized little by little and tested with stop the steal lie , and once they saw that the gullible base would take this new programming with out question sprinkled Patriotic slogans and catch words with the daily lies..

Then go to these meetings claiming their children won’t be indoctrinated
When it is actually them who has fallen prey to indoctrination. Unable to see the stings making the puppet dance ! While yelling freedom

Jim your being played by the wizard behind a curtain
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if there were escalating threats, why did the school board association admit that “there was no justification” for the accusations in the letter?

you keep ignoring that point. When the person who made the accusation said it wasn’t true, but you’re still clinging to the belief that it was true, it’s time to ask yourself some deep questions.

They made the accusation. Then they apologized for making claims that had no justification. that’s the end of that part of the story.

the school board association admitted they lied, but you’re insisting they were telling the truth. because you can’t accept that your side stepped on a rake again.

you can stop insisting the school board was accurate, when they themselves say they weren’t. it’s over. they themselves admitted they lied, and they apologized for it.
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