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Old 10-21-2021, 12:47 PM   #34
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
FYI 19 Republicans who voted in favor of the Infrastructure bill how many dems 50?

but thanks for focusing on the ONLY bill some Republicans voted on

how many Bill have they filibustered ... And republicans dare speak about the tyranny of the majority !

when it's more like GOP's tyranny of the minority

here's an example A Fox News poll released last week found that 67 percent of voters support requiring teachers and students to wear masks in schools. Even in the “reddish” state of Florida,

Gov. Ron DeSantis don’t appear to care what the majority of voters want; instead, many are singularly concerned with what keeps the GOP base happy.

The GOP is giving us a master class in the tyranny of the minority. Republicans across the nation are enacting polices on issues from Covid safeguards to restrictions on abortion and voting rights that are opposed by a solid majority of Americans — but are supported by the much smaller GOP base.

that's the real threat to America
"Republicans who voted in favor of the Infrastructure bill how many dems 50? "

FACT: that infastructure bill did not pass, because the progressive democrats hijacked it. Not because of anything the GOP did.

"how many Bill have they filibustered

Beats me. How many did the democrats fillibuster under Trump? Zero? Or do you only oppose fillibustering when the democrats are in control?

"when it's more like GOP's tyranny of the minority "

Cue the sinister music. Dun dun dun!!!

"67 percent of voters support requiring teachers and students to wear masks in schools. Even in the “reddish” state of Florida,"

But the science doesn't support little kids wearing masks in schools. So I don't care what the majority wants.

"Gov. Ron DeSantis don’t appear to care what the majority of voters want;"

That must explain why he's so unpopular there, and why everyone is fleeing FL and moving to CA instead!

"Republicans across the nation are enacting polices on issues from Covid safeguards to restrictions on abortion"

I don't think people elect republicans because they promised to make abortion more widespread.

We get it, you don't like republicans. But there are huge pockets of the population that embrace conservatism. You need to learn to deal with it. Sometimes you get your way at election time, sometimes you don't. As Obama liked to say, "elections have consequences."

Unless there's another major crisis, the midterms are going to be a referendum on what America thinks about open borders, abortion until birth, men going to the bathroom with little girls, demonizing the police, viewing EVERYTHING through the lens of race, huge spikes in the price of gas, meaningful inflation for the first time in many many years, green new deals, druggies shooting up on the lawns of public elementary schools, China continuing to rise in power, etc. Not all of that is the fault of Democrats, but not all of covid was Trump's fault, either. Sometimes you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Obama got absolutely creamed in his first midterm. And Biden isn't Obama.

The Republicans don't need to do anything, just sit back and watch AOC lead the entire democratic party right off the lefty cliff.
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