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Old 10-11-2021, 08:40 AM   #134
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Jim missed this More than half of police killings in the US are unreported in government data, study finds

An estimated 55% of deaths from police violence from 1980 to 2018 were misclassified or unreported in official vital statistics reports, according to the peer-reviewed study by a group of more than 90 collaborators in The Lancet, one of the world's oldest and most renowned medical journals.

During that period, non-Hispanic Black Americans were estimated to be 3.5 times more likely to die from police violence than non-Hispanic white Americans, with nearly 60% of these deaths misclassified – meaning they are not attributed to police violence – in official government data, researchers found.

I doubt this will changes Jim’s Mind it’s evidence based and was researched…

But he is all onboard with the AG Garland is targeting white Americans only concerned about their child’s education to protect his SCUM bag daughter and husband selling CRT to schools to corrupt Americans youth

If the country is white supremacist at its core,

Jim you seem to focused on what you’ve been told to think that anyone but the right thinks If the country is white supremacist at its core, it’s what the right sells to people like you , who then believe every world .. but if you took the time to do any objective research it’s fringe elements on both sides who weaponize these topics they yell loud and they get the coverage . And duped Americans see it in a meme or one of their friends said it was happening. And Is all the evidence they need to think it’s True
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Last edited by wdmso; 10-11-2021 at 08:51 AM..
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