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Old 10-05-2021, 12:49 PM   #195
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
You're missing the point Jim, it's not a lock-down if you call it "Covid Protocols"
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Silly me.

I have 2 friends who mortgaged their house to send their daughter to that school (and I have two brothers who graduated from there). Liberal like you can't believe. She can't go to class, eat with anyone, have anyone in her room except her roommate, can't go to anyone else's room, can't join a club or go to a sporting event.

Every single kid and employee is vaccinated, and they're testing everyone weekly. So naturally, there are some positive test cases, but no one is sick. The school is freaking out over the number of test cases, maybe someone told them that vaccinated people can't get covid, which isn't remotely true.

We need to stop trying to manage the number of positive test cases (which likely can't be stopped with this virus), and concentrate on minimizing the number of people who get really sick.

Hope you're doing well.
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