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Old 10-05-2021, 08:58 AM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Obsessed not, but if I were still working and paying high taxes, I’d be a bit pissed someone with millions or billions is paying almost nothing.
The top 1% have 20% of the total income, and pay 40% of the total federal income tax, as of 2018.

"paying almost nothing**"

** - in which 1% of the population shouldering 40% of the tax burden, is "almost nothing".

Obama had deomcrats in control of congress, as Biden does now. If the tax system is so unfair, why don't they change it? Obama had a fillibuster-proof democrat majority in the senate, and a large democrat majority in the house, for some of his first term. He could have fixed this in a day.

Its all BS to distract the herd from the truth. If you're unhappy with your lot in life, the problem is much more likely to be in the mirror, than it is to be some guy on the cover of Forbes.
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