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Old 09-30-2021, 01:51 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
It's much worse than that. If you took the yearly income of a part time greeter and distributed it evenly to every top store manager it would come out to roughly 1.43 dollars. This doesn't even make a dent in the problem.

Even worse, randomly divide by 5!!!!!
Spence, if we could make a dent in poverty by taxing the uber wealthy, I'd support it 100%. It doesn't work. It doesn't come close to working. You can't eliminate poverty by giving money to poor people. The lack of money isn't the cause of their problem, it's usually the symptom of the underlying problem.

Funny how your side never stops claiming it has a monopoly on caring for the poor, yet you oppose school choice? I could swear I've heard liberals describe themselves as being "pro choice" somewhere, I'm almost certain of it. It seems your advocacy of choice is rather selective, doesn't it?

Let the parents choose where that money is spent, and public schools would be ten times better in an hour.

Sadly, democrats can't go against their masters in the teachers unions, so those poor kids, disproportionately black, are stuck in failing sh-thole schools.
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