Thread: Disaster
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Old 09-21-2021, 08:09 AM   #447
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
“would you support sharia law.”

same logic ( lack there of) when you asked if i want mine fields to control immigration.

When liberals have lost the debate, they often respond not to what the conservative said, but to something that doesn’t come close to resembling the conservative ever said.

i never said i wants sharia law, that’s a moronic straw man extreme guy created, i don’t know who you’re responding to there, but i never hinted at sharia.

i pointed out reports, even in ultra left wing tags, that show positive benefits of judeo christian values, and since somehow you don’t seem
to already know this, judeo christian values are a little bit different than sharia law.

Try responding to what i’m actually saying, as opposed to some gibberish extreme that i never came close to saying.

All liberals do it. you all take from the same exact play book.

From where i sit, i can see an upside to public policy that has its roots in a value system which encourages generosity, charity, happiness, strong nuclear families, and more empathy for each other.

You think it would be “bad policy” to make decisions, influenced by values which behave those results?

You’re entitled to believe that.

Sharia law and mine fields. Yes, that’s what everyone knows i want.

Maybe you’re hearing the same
voices that Pete hears.

Wayne, when you can’t respond to what i said, and you have to pretend i said something stupidly different, doesn’t that tell you anything about your beliefs?
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Jim if you allow religious based politics and allow religion to dictate
Policies you get Shia law! No difference then using the King James Bible ( if you read the next sentence)

That’s is the extreme example but as if on cue you thought it was directed at you. Which it was not

I share many values that my religious friends share they may embrace them via church I embrace them because it’s the right thing to do we can hold shared values in America with out holding the same Book..
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
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