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Old 09-16-2021, 02:47 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Analysis | Republicans keep hiding behind White Democrats to shift vaccine hesitancy blame onto Black Americans
Aug 24, 2021 — Yes, vaccination rates are lower among Blacks — but they're almost certainly lower still among White ... Washington post
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"they're almost certainly lower still among White"

So instead of looking at he data to see for sure, you post am uncited quote making an unsupported generalization.

According to way left-leaning folks at Vox, who posted the definitive study through July, "At the start of July, the vaccination rate was about 15 percent lower for Black people than for white people in the US,"

Can you grasp hat that means? Or would you like me to see if I can send it to you in a pop-up book?

There's an actual, published study in this article, data from the right-wing racist nuts at the CDC...

How dare you claim that Republicans deny truth and facts? Where do you get the nerve to do that? How can you deny that's exactly what you did here?

Here's an article from left-leaning Yahoo in August...

"In the United States, black people have the lowest vaccination rates of any racial or ethnic group"

Those words in the bold font just above? They prove I'm right, and you're either wrong or a lying partisan. Which is it?

The CDC, Yahoo, and Vox say vaccination rates are low for blacks. But some guy at the Post says the earth is flat, and by jiminy, that's good enough for you, isn't it.

We have zero need to speculate on what a moron at the Post thinks is "almost certainly" true. We don't need to speculate, we have the data. Which you chose to pretend didn't exist.

You are the only person I've heard deny this/ Everyone else is wrong, the CDC is wrong, Yahoo is wrong, Yahoo is wrong...and you are right. You know better than all of them

Maybe you should stop listening to whoever at the Post said that, because they were playing you for a sucker.
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