Thread: Disaster
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Old 09-02-2021, 02:09 PM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Biden knew really that the afghans wouldn't fight 1 day is that your suggestion? ? did all the other Governments and Aid groups did they also Know their on the ground ? that the afghan army wasn't going to last a Day ?

So why didn't everyone evacuate early ? seems they thought as we did the Afghans would at least put up a fight.. and they also needed to fly back in and get people out..

but lets get back to the Air lift how many people should have gotten out? seeing your racist party is all ready spewing crap about Afghans

Republican politicians and Fox News personalities are stoking fears about the U.S. taking in Afghans trying to flee the Taliban.
Rep. Matt Rosendale saying that there is no “excuse to flood our country with refugees from Afghanistan.

“Is the mass migration of Afghan men to America really a good idea? Good for your wife, your daughter?” said the Trump campaign adviser turned host.

Stephen Miller
Aug 15
It is becoming increasingly clear that Biden & his radical deputies will use their catastrophic debacle in Afghanistan as a pretext for doing to America what Angela Merkel did to Germany & Europe.

Jim someone needs to pay attention to the big picture. if I recall you had the same issue with Trump
my suggestion is that, according to the transcript of the call, Biden knew in July that things weren’t going well. yet he told america that all
was swell, and obviously he had no plan to deal with things deteriorating.

And got stripers said multiple
times, that any idiot could have foreseen that it would have turned into a mess. so if any idiot should have foreseen it, maybe biden could have thought about that scenario.

you’re saying there was no way to predict the mess. got stripers said any idiot should have seen it coming. if GS is right, Biden failed to plan for what he should have seen coming.

Again, i’m not speculating, i’m going by the transcript. i’m sorry if the physical evidence supports that biden knew 5 weeks ago that it wasn’t good, i’m sorry if that upsets you. But whether you happen to like it or not, Biden said in july it wasn’t going well.

Your moronic speculation that republicans don’t actually care about people
left behind, tells us how indefensible you know your position is.

Who are the private groups trying to get those people out right now? Lots of evangelical christians like glen beck, who i think is kooky, but he’s over there trying to get people
out. I doubt george soros is doing the same. so who really cares, and who doesn’t?
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