Thread: Disaster
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Old 09-02-2021, 07:44 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Pete -

you're right, Bagram was too far away.

Better to use just one focal point, a major population center, and create a tightly packed mob all in one place. That makes it impossible for, say, one idiot with a suicide backpack to murder 150 people who are all within 25 feet of him. Which is why no one was hurt at the Kabul airport, all the suicide bombers were walking the roads between Kabul and Bagram.

If the threat was a large scale attack from the Taliban, you'd have a point. That wasn't the threat. The threat was lone jihadists. You do the lone jihadist a favor by telling the world that everyone is going to be in one place, especially when that one place is impossible to secure.
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