Thread: Disaster
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Old 09-01-2021, 01:37 PM   #169
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
I don’t recall you expressing outrage when Trump pulled our servicemen out, left all our Kurdish allies to fend for themselves and basically gave our bases to Russia. Oh wait that was under a Republican watch.
You need a lot of work on your comprehension.

Almost no one has a problem with the fact that we got out of Afghanistan. And you're right of course, Trump set that in motion.

But I don't think I've heard a single person say we should stay in Afghanistan indefinitely. What people are criticizing, is the manner in which this administration executed the withdrawal.

You said multiple times, that there was almost no chance our withdrawal wasn't going to become chaotic. That's MORE REASON to hang into Bagram air base, which was designed so that we could secure it, and in fact it was secured. That's MORE REASON to NOT rely on a civilian airport in a capital city. Then there's the broken promise, the report that we inexplicably gave a list of names of Americans and Afghan allies to the Taliban

Since you and WDMSO clearly feel there's no valid reason to criticize, I refer you again to the very harsh criticism lobbed by Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton, a progressive Democrats and veteran Marine who is absolutely scathing in his criticism of how badly this was bungled. What reason does a liberal democrat from Massachusetts, have to unfairly criticize Joe Biden?

Then there's the video of Biden repeatedly looking at his watch as the caskets were coming off the plane, the fact that most of the 13 families said all Biden did was talk about his own son when meeting with them, the fact that he announces to the world that he needs to be instructed which obedient network to call on for questions, his state department spokesman saying that getting stranded in Afghanistan isn't that different from what Americans go through every day who are stranded overseas (because losing your passport in Grand Cayman and getting delayed, is just like getting stranded behind Taliban lines in Afghanistan). It's a sh-t show. And his plummeting approval numbers confirm it.

You may continue with your denial-fest.
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