Thread: Disaster
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Old 08-27-2021, 07:46 AM   #91
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
On October 23, 1983, a terrorist drove a truck filled with explosives into Marine HQ in Beirut, killing 241 Marines. That came 6 months after a terrorist attack on the US embassy killed 63. Reagan promptly pulled out of Lebanon. No Democrats called on Reagan to resign, or said he should be impeached.

The reality is, for 20 yrs there have been terrorist suicide bombers killing civilians and Americans nearly daily in Afghanistan. This is why America is leaving. Only NOW they are outraged because it's all a political game for them. Appalling doesn't even begin to describe

I'm just a little skeptical of the motives of the politicians saying yesterday's tragedy requires an instant rethinking of policy but after every mass shooting in this country insist the only answer is to do absolutely nothing.
One of my friends from high school died in that bombing.

It still remains the right needs to make up their minds .. you can’t have boots on the ground or more boots on the ground and think any risk to these people is unacceptable that’s not how operations in a hostile environment works , and those brave marines were doing HAND pat downs so A Bomber like that couldn’t get on a plane and kill many many more .. their the tip of the spear .. and no amount out bombs from above are going to stop a suicide bomber .. or an IED both are the leading cause of KIA in Iraq and Afghanistan..

I get bothered by this Idea that because American has the biggest baddest Military ( true by the way )

That this some how should translate into how could we lose …

ask the British the Russians and any other Nation who tried .. they all will tell you they were beat by Time
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