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Old 06-08-2021, 05:10 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Pete F.;1211594 I would assume Venezuelans, like Cubans have experience with "socialism" and also authoritarian regimes. They will have to make a choice.

That's why I specifically asked about Venezuelans--considering their peculiar situation in which productive Venezuelans hate their "socialist" regime. But, then, illegals from the Central American countries aren't exactly in love with the regimes from which they're trying to escape. And they overwhelming vote Democrat.[/COLOR]

Looks a lot like supposition to me, most Cuban-Americans vote Republican.

Cuba is not a Central American country. And I said that I "assume," not that I know for a fact. There's this from Pew Research: "the data provide some insights. In 2012, the Pew Research Center’s National Survey of Latinos found that among Latino immigrants who are not U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents (and therefore likely unauthorized immigrants), some 31% identify as Democrats and just 4% as Republicans."

"When one takes party “leaners” into account (i.e., those who don’t say they identify with one of the major parties, but in a follow-up question say they feel closer to one party than the other), about half of unauthorized Hispanic immigrants either identify with (31%) or lean towards (23%) the Democratic Party, while about two-in-ten identify with (4%) or lean towards (15%) the Republican Party."

"The predictions about how unauthorized immigrants will vote stem from the fact that among all Latino immigrants who are eligible to vote (i.e. are U.S. citizens) many more identify as Democrats than as Republicans—54% versus 11%."

Your supposition assumes that 9.3 million will not go back to work shortly and that "millions of illegals" somehow survive without working and that anyone is saying that we need to increase the number of illegal immigrants.

No, I'm responding to your post's declarative statement: "“The crisis we have is one of too few immigrants, not of too many,” and to its suggestive assumption: “If you look at U.N. projections, they suggest that, by 2050, the United States will need 50 million more workers to keep the current proportion of workers to the population overall.”

And that there are estimated millions of illegals that we don't know about and don't know how many of them are not working.

And I believe that we don't have to increase the number of illegals but rather we should decrease it. I don't know what you actually think about that, but I assume that you don't object to millions of illegals since you don't say otherwise but always respond in some manner that suggests we should not complain about it, but should either welcome it because we are guilty of creating their problems and that we have a worker crisis and rather than referring to them as illegal we should just say they are undocumented and should have a pathway to citizenship.

Abortions have consistently dropped since the 70s when they were quantified for the first time, unless you assume that illegal abortions never occurred. But that wouldn't fit your narrative.

Yes but they still number in the hundreds of thousands per year that we know about, and well over 60 million since 1973. That total number and the continuing 100's of thousands/year have mightily contributed to dropping of our fertility rate. And that's part of my narrative which is in response to your dropping fertility rate narrative.

In the meantime, the growth of America’s total immigrant population has been slowing down in recent decades. The total rise in the U.S. foreign-born population went dropped from 11.5 million people in the 1990s to 8.8 million in the 2000s, to 4.8 million in this decade, according to the Pew Research Center.

So are you complaining about that? Is that a bad thing for you? Is there something sacrosanct about maintaining a rise of double digit millions of foreign born population every decade?

I'm assuming, that many of those foreign born bought into our lifestyle of less than 2.1 children for each woman.

Unsupported supposition

I said that I was assuming. And I think it is a reasonable assumption. It is reasonable to assume they come here to partake in American life. That dropping fertility rate is a part of American life today. Some "support" could be that the fertility rate is dropping to that 2.1 number in Central America and is already there or less than that in El Salvador.

“The drop in international migration, combined with falling birth rates, resulted in what may have been the slowest decade of population growth in U.S. history — and does not include the additional decline between 2019 and 2020 connected to COVID-19,” a NFAP study says.

So round and round goes the government carousel. The government creates problems and tries to solve them with more problems. Maybe the gov. should adjust or get rid of the policies that contribute to and aid falling birth rates. Or maybe we don't actually need to be concerned about it. Maybe it's just evolution.

Coming from the man who thinks we should bear no responsibility at all for the situation in Central America, you are now thinking of new concerns for me. Tell me again how you learned on YouTube that Mexicans are mentally deficient and rapists.
What do you mean by "responsibility"? You mean historical causation for the situation in Central America? I don't think I have denied that. There's a lot of worldwide guilt there. And there's continued meddling. Giving them billions in "aid" which finances the corrupt governments that are the current problem, e.g. Ultimately, the people who consider themselves the citizens of a sovereign nation are responsible for that nation.

And I'm not thinking of "new" concerns" for you. You're the one who has several times brought up the problems that we supposedly are responsible for in Central America. And that how we are somehow therefor responsible for helping to solve those problems.

And I've never said, nor believe, that Mexicans are mentally deficient and rapists.

Last edited by detbuch; 06-08-2021 at 05:49 PM..
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