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Old 05-04-2021, 11:22 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Sure now you align with Glenn “9/11 was an inside job” Greenwald and push the agenda of the despot President George Washington, warned about in farewell, 1796, when he said that America might someday face “despotism.” He said that “disorders and miseries” might cause some Americans “to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual,” leading to “the ruins of public liberty.”
Because of course the usual claims that the evil ....others will deprive you of something you never had, be very afraid and your only salvation is supporting the former guy
I can't say that I fully understand your rather incoherent post. But, as to what I "align with", I don't align with Greenwald's opinion of Trump, Nor do I align with Greenwald's Progressive view of government. Nor with much that is fundamental to his personal opinions, that I am aware of, about what we humans are. And I specifically said that he has written many articles with which I disagree.

But I do align with his insistence on reporting what is actually corroborated and reasonably proven (not merely conjectured) to be true. And his willingness to call out the lies and deceptions of not only so-called "conservatives," but of those who supposedly align with his Progressive ideology.

There are honest Progressive journalists and commentators such as Glenn Greenwald, Aaron Maté, & Jimmy Dore, and others, who don't like Trump, don't politically side with Republicans or "conservatives," but insist on old fashioned journalistic standards, and who called out the uncorroborated BS crap about Trump that the corporate media incessantly pushed as fact simply in order to get rid of him. I respect that, and, of course, cite their documented debunking of the leftist media's lies which folks like you gobbled up as the truth. I also appreciate, and align with their view on what is essentially (though they don't use the term) "fake news."

And the "despotism" that various founders, as well as like-minded commentators such as De Tocqueville, warned against was not only "in the absolute power of an individual," but in the absolute power of unchecked, unlimited government acting on behalf of the "welfare" of the people. Which is the basis, the soft despotism, of Progressive political ideology.

There was no realistic chance that Trump would get absolute power. There was not really the sliver of a chance that he would get that--in spite of the Democrat and supportive corporate media strenuously concocted narratives that somehow implied that he would.

But our current melding of Progressive media, Progressive corporations, Progressive education, Progressive culture, and Progressive government powers has a far, far, greater chance of obtaining absolute power. And it is in the interest of that monopolistic, fascistic, Hobbesian political behemoth of amalgamated power to distract us with false narratives and utopian promises before we catch on to what is happening.
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