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Old 04-26-2021, 12:58 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Nebe View Post
I had to put our dog down yesterday. People always told me that you can never prepare emotionally to have to make that choice and to say good bye and I totally get it. This is by far the most grief I have ever felt and I have lost all grandparents and 1 parent.
The house is so quiet now. All our routines revolved around him.. and I am lost.

But the amazing thing is that last night my wife and I went for a walk to one of our dogs favorite places and we sat down on a wall and listened to so many birds and so many frogs peeping that it was like they were all cheering for him and then the most amazing thing happened. An owl flew into the tree above us and sat for 5 minutes and just looked at us. Then he flew away. If that wasn’t a sign from the spirit world, I don’t know what is.
I know I will be ok soon and time will heal the pain slowly but it feels like a giant part of me died yesterday.
God speed Hector.
Sorry for your loss... you are correct, it IS like loosing a family member, as we get older, we appreciate life more, we treasure the company, loosing it is more difficult, my wife and I put down our Sheppard last fall, it was one of the hardest decisions of my life, I took the ride to the vet alone, she couldn't bring herself to say good bye at the vets... we had him 9 years before his hips gave out... I can still see the reflection of that fuzzy little pup barking at his own reflection in the storm door, I'm having all the windows in the house replaced before I retire, that door will never get replaced... He will be the last we ever have..Neither one of us have the strength to go through that ever again.. I know exactly how you feel.
The Owl is a strong spirit animal… it was certainly a message from a higher place... possibly a thank you for a wonderful life .. God speed Hector.

A good run is better than a bad stand!
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