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Old 03-27-2021, 12:09 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
New Zealand this week
In the USA a political party let hundreds of thousands of people die because they feared angering a selfish man more than failing the people that they were elected to serve.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
Against my better judgment, I finally read your link--and I had to bust out laughing. A tweet!: ("New Zealand this week, no masks, no lockdowns, no Covid... bc they had a grown up in charge.") by someone who describes herself as: "Cycling, triathlon, used to go to the cinema & comedy gigs." The first comment to it, by a Brit, (Britain is worse off than the US) was telling: "We've only got 62 million more people crammed into large industrial citys"

Obviously, the Brit took the tweet as a criticism of Britain. His brief retort could be added to in many other ways in respect to the difference between the U.S. and New Zealand. We have five times the population of Britain and 70 times greater than NZ. We have nine metropolitan areas with larger populations than the whole of New Zealand, NY-LA-Chicago being way, way larger.

New Zealand's parliamentary system of government gives the PM and the Governor General far more, nearly absolute, power to dictate to ALL New Zealanders how they can act in a pandemic. We have many states in the US who have the power to so dictate as NZ does. The power and responsibility to control the pandemic in the US lies in the states. The responsibility here lies with or various governors and state agencies. The notion of "a grown up in charge" is spread to 50 different grown ups, several of who took more draconian measures than others.

We have a far more diverse population which has actual as well as excercised individual freedom, and so reacts in more diverse ways to government dictate than occurs in NZ.

And NZ has a tight hold on immigration, with requirements tailored to the countries needs. I don't think the Dems or Harris/biden would approve of it. I don't know what the cycling comedy gigger would think of U.S. immigration policy. I suspect many Kiwis would think it to be self-destructively laughable. This right-wing, classical liberal (or libertarian) New Zealander, Trevor Loudon says of US immigration policy: "the Democrats plan to enfranchise 22 million illegal immigrants".

According to the Migration Policy Institute, "New Zealand's immigrant selection system, while non-discriminatory on the basis of source country, is biased towards immigrants who have a good command of the English language, and have educational and professional qualifications that are recognized by New Zealand's Qualifications Authority and professional associations. It is believed that immigrants with these attributes will be able to integrate more effectively into a society that acknowledges a bicultural ideology".

I suspect the cycling comedy gigger would not approve of our loose covid-19 handling of the thousands of "undocumented" border crossers.

Last edited by detbuch; 03-27-2021 at 12:41 PM..
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