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Old 01-19-2021, 04:31 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
I think it was stolen by the Russians. Look at how our law enforcement said they tried to influence our election and look at how gullible the Trump supporters are.

How many Dems. voted not to certify the Trump election?

And you only copied some of my statement to not show the context. I said every other Pres. (R or D) would not have acted as sleazy as Trump. Did you do that on purpose?

What has everyone been mocking you for here quite a bit: your whataboutism
"I think it was stolen by the Russians."

Which puts you in the same "I believe it even though there's no evidence" camp as Trump. Of course Russia meddled, there's zero evidence it changed the outcome.

"What has everyone been mocking you for here quite a bit: your whataboutism"

The people mocking me for that, are the ones who don't like seeing their hypocrisy exposed.

I can immediately admit my side's hypocrisy, say, on criticizing Obama for adding to the debt, but looking the other way when Trump did it. It's obvious hypocrisy. I would never offer the pathetic, moronic excuse that pointing that out, is "whataboutism". Because it's valid to point thatout. None of you can concede it exists on your side, for example when the left ignored (or encouraged) the riots this summer which killed 19 and did over $1 billion in damage. That was not worth noting. But when republicans do it once, it's the end of the world.
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