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Old 01-13-2021, 01:54 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Don’t worry too much, the liberals will waste too much energy fighting among themselves to accomplish the things you fear.
What’s left of the right will also without a strong politician to guide them. McConnells accomplished everything he can and in his 80s will retire.
Pelosi too
The next ten years will be interesting
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Don't have to worry about big tech monopoly being accomplished, that has already been done. Looking forward to young folks realizing that freedom is better. If it's possible.

The Constitution will be a cipher. AI is expected to destroy huge numbers of jobs. The dreaded "income inequality" gap will expand. The current control freaks are accentuating the destruction of a predominant "middle class."

Hopefully, the young'uns can figure it out without a bloody revolution. This current crop of "leaders" only seem to understand the benefits of top down government. They create an economic and educational system that breeds a mass of incompetents who require government aid to survive. And machines will replace the low skilled jobs and eventually, not much later, the middle class jobs.

People will have to relearn old-fashioned self reliance in order to have the ability to create better individual lives for themselves or else remain on some dole. Or be eliminated . . . or worse. But our societal mores have deteriorated into dreamy notions of government enforced equity and "social justice." We don't preach the old work ethic, nor really desire the freedom to create our own destiny. Our boots no longer have straps. The China model may gain ascendance. Especially if we continue to allow our big tech symbiosis with China's cheap labor and our overall economy to continue to depend on the stuff we shipped off to their production.

Yeah, the China model. They brag about it. They say their showing the world that it is best. And that the old US model sucks. Yeah, they're hustling rings around us and most of the rest of the world. They are predicted to soon surpass us in AI technology, and our big tech and Silicon Valley oligarchs don't seem concerned enough about us enough to pull away from their profitable Chinese investment. But don't look behind the curtain. China has a different, unpleasant, way of dealing with income inequality, joblessness, and folks that don't do as they're told. And those that pose cultural disharmony or government threatening differences, may well face a life of some form of internment from prison to concentration camps where the healthier ones can face the joy of having their organs harvested to be sold to wealthier folks around the world, including in China.

If we don't free up our own economy to bust out from the control of the big corporations in bed with big government regulation, if we continue and expand the oligarchical model, we could slide into some form of the China model, or become a part of it. Then Trump will look like a Pilgrim's Jesus.

Of course, that could never happen . . . right? Probably not. We would probably have a revolution first, then decide all over again how to live with one another. If we continue to exist as one nation.
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