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Old 01-11-2021, 03:48 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Clearly the reason the FBI announced this imminent threat is to alert authorities

Of course. As the FBI has done many other times.
Before Trump.

I'll do another post that shows the murderous, riotous thugs since you apparently missed that

I didn't miss them. How could I? It's all the media shows and talks about. Apparently, you missed the many thousands, the overwhelming majority, of demonstrators who were not riotous thugs. Like the ones who didn't riot and create mayhem in the many demonstrations of the past year in which rioting occurred (and many in which far more destruction occurred than this one). And because most people didn't cause mayhem in those demonstrations, even though a great deal of chaos and damage was done, the media kindly referred to them as "mostly peaceful." So I used the same meme of "mostly peaceful" in regard to this one. But not so with the media. According to them, this (the whole demonstration) was orchestrated to be a violent revolution of some kind. Which is obviously, if you're truthful, not what occurred.

No the media and its anti-Trump persuasion, insisted this was a deliberate insurrection orchestrated by Trump to overthrow the government. That's ridiculous on the face of it. There were not enough actual rioters nor enough weapons to do that. And though some bomb stuff was found, it strangely was planted but not used as would have been in a real insurrection.

I know you consider Trump stupid, but it's way too stupid for anyone who has the ability to move crowds the way he does to plot something as ineffective as the puny thing that happened which could only result in doing more harm to him and his cause than any actual harm to the government.

It seemed to me to be the action of some hotheads and/or possibly some anti-Trump and antigovernment infiltrators specifically to create chaos, distrust, and/or harm to Trump. But it certainly was fuel for those who want to get rid of Trump, even Republicans, to call it a Trump directed insurrection or such. And they jumped on it big time.

"Never let an emergency go to waste."

Let’s begin redefining this: If people are armed, it’s not a protest. America doesn’t need or support or condone armed “protests.”

Yes, "redefining" is a major component of Marxist, leftist, and Progressive modus operandi. Pre-redefinition, being armed was not a crime nor was a peaceful protest meant to be restricted to only those who left their arms at home. Being armed, carrying your weapon in the public space, was not a sign of nor necessarily a predisposition toward violence. It was, in fact, protection from and a suppression of violence.

Your redefinition, of course, fits right in with the Progressive narrative that people don't need guns. And only small capacity single shot per squeeze guns permitted for sport and hunting and possible protection (against multiple attackers as well). If at all. The ultimate goal being the elimination of such nonsense as the Second Amendment.

Political commentators are falling into mistake that violent terror threats get less so if some mercy (no impeachment) is shown its leader. There is history of counterterrorism efforts that show otherwise. Only complete isolation, powerlessness, deplatforming, of leader works.

For the next 10 days and beyond, Trump has to be seen as ineffectual, without oxygen, so he can not have second act. No soft exit. It’s horrible to admit, but do not buy into argument that violence is less if we put a brake on gas pedal. They need to be stopped.
But the violence is actually worse if they, and future recruits, view him as strong. They want to back a winner. We prepare for violence but it will be less so in the future with no leadership and if they know their leader can’t help them.

This is the perfect formula for a Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Progressive power structure to label any opposition (as terrorist for instance), marginalize it, cancel it. And it is the exact formula, as you finally admit, that is taking place. It is not a formula for preserving a free society. Rather it's one for shutting it down.
For instituting an authoritarian regime.

It's what is claimed that "Conservatives" want to do against Muslims or Black people or anyone they supposedly hate. And you do hate Trump. It's kinda strange that our media tech giants want to deplatform Trump and Trumpists, but not the CCP nor other anti-liberty regimes. Well . . . not so strange, they have something fundamentally in common with them.

A liberty minded person should view what you prescribe as frightening, to say the least.

Maybe I’m sounding too harsh, no mercy etc. He may be president of the United States but he is also inciter of domestic terrorism. And his complete isolation and condemnation is the safest path forward. We can’t stop now. Total isolation.
No maybe about it, other than it's not merely that you're sounding too harsh . . . you're sounding like a tyrant . . . which includes the various constant lying and insinuating, and conjecturing, and labeling that has led up to your tyrannical conclusion.

But I do appreciate that you finally admit and define what you're doing. For all those who wondered why you would not respond with logical, rational argument, actual conversation, but would just ignore, and repeat, no matter how your lies were debunked, now you can all see the true, fanatical, authoritarian disposition driving Pete's unreasonable, one-sided, relentless rhetoric.

Last edited by detbuch; 01-11-2021 at 03:53 PM..
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