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Old 01-08-2021, 03:24 PM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Your greatest ever is melting down, his legacy is going to be who is the most f*cked up president in the US history.
you can make a very compelling case that he’s the most deranged individual to hold the office, certainly in our life times.

his policies? every presidential election year, Gallup does a poll, asking people if they are better off today than 4 years ago. they did the poll this summer, during the pandemic. 56% said they were better off, which is a record high for that poll. Even during a pandemic, a record number of people said they were better off. had it not been for covid ( and whatever you think of trumps handling of it, the pandemic obviously wasn’t his fault), who knows what that number would have been.

What do you think that poll means about his policies?

His policies include some
big failures ( no improvements to healthcare, not delivering in the wall). but tax cuts, energy independence, increased funding for black colleges, criminal
justice reform ( which i hate but its popular), not getting us involved in questionable conflicts, low unemployment, stock market records ( for which he inherited good momentum from obama, but he did some very different things which seem to have worked), that’s not a bad list. if a more likeable president could boast of that list, i wonder how he’s be remembered.

Bill Clinton betrayed his family, looked the american people
in the eye, and denied it. Sleazy enough where he was disbarred, and when lawyers say you’re to sleazy to associate with, hats saying something. And he’s still absolutely worshipped among democrats, he’s an icon.

Clinton isn’t as obnoxious as trump, nor as often. but the clintons, both of them, seem to get an absolutely free pass for their moral
lapses. Is that not a double standard?
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