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Old 01-06-2021, 03:16 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
I guess I don't share the fatalist view of this apparent dark date in our history....

"The President demanding the VP to defy the Constitution so he can stay in power."

if the VP does something unconstitutional...then he should be held accountable and if the president demands the VP do something unconstitutional, he should also be held accountable

"Many Republican members of Congress rallying around this otherwise lame duck President, who would be otherwise be leaving office in two weeks, to impede the succession of power. "

they have the right to rally around the president, if they do anything unconstitutional they should be held responsible...there is an article on NBC that points out that the democrats have set the precedent in all of the instances that they currently whine about

"Trump supporters rallying around the Capitol, some expected to be armed. "

Rallying around the Capitol is Constitutional, I don't know if being armed is legal there...I saw an ad from a new member of Congress stating she's planning to concealed carry during her time in Washington, seemed legit...if any of them do anything illegal or unconstitutional they should be held accountable...hopefully they will be more peaceful than the "peaceful protests" that we've enjoyed from the left over the past year with very little accountability

"Trump giving a speech in the morning and possibly joining his supporters. "

I believe this is perfectly Constitutional and legal....

"The leader of the Proud Boys arrested on weapons charges in DC and told to "stay away."

oh they won't have to worry about him causing any trouble

"A threat over the air controller frequency said a plane was going to be flown into the Capitol tomorrow, likely while the Congress is assembled to read the votes from the electoral college. This to avenge the killing of Iranian General Soleimani exactly a year ago. "

Clearly trump's fault

"Kenosha Wisconsin likely to see rioting after no charges were brought against a police officer in a shooting last August."

why would they riot and whose fault is that? hopefully the rioters will be held accountable but we'll likely be told it's all perfectly justified

"And there is always the Georgia Senate elections today, with results possibly not being known until tomorrow. Only the control of the Senate and a continuation of a checks and balance within Congress at stake."

according to dementia joe...$2000 checks are at stake

"Any powder kegs I left out?"

I bet we could come up with a bunch but what is the point of fretting over things that have not and are unlikely to happen? I bet pete could come up with a bunch of potential "bombshells"

"Oh, maybe a stack of pardons to round out the afternoon?"

those could be fun....maybe he'll pardon hunter

it will be interesting to see how we define "prosperity" going forward....

I heard a left leaning commentator on tv recently state very emphatically...."science trumps freedom"....I found that an interesting statement, don't recall seeing anything in the Constitution regarding science superseding freedom

Are you happy now??????

“Americans have the right and advantage of being armed, unlike the people of other countries, whose leaders are afraid to trust them with arms.” – James Madison.
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