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Old 12-31-2020, 07:18 PM   #343
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
and if democrats cared about these people, they’d take their boots off their throats and let them
earn a living, rather than giving them
a one time check.

the fact that so many elected democrats mandate these lockdowns and then violate their own rules ( in really flamboyant fashion), says something about them, doesn’t it?

every single post of yours is either praising liberals, or bashing conservatives. that’s your entire existence here. but it’s beyond dishonest, as there’s good and bad on both sides. your hate makes you blind to it.
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Keep living the lie Jim someday you actually see the current Republicans for what they are. The only one filled with hate is you so much you think I am the hateful one that’s how projection works ..

The pharmacist told investigators he knew "that people who received the vaccinations would think they had been vaccinated against the virus when in fact they were not,"

What’s are the chances he is a liberal Just like the guy who blew up his RV

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Last edited by wdmso; 12-31-2020 at 07:31 PM..
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