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Old 12-28-2020, 02:33 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Congress passed a bill which spends a fortune, and gives. small portion of that to needy Americans, $600 each.

Trump is trying to single-handedly improve the bill as he sees it, to eliminate the waste, send less to foreign governments, and give much more to Americans.

WDMSO, Spence. Paul, mind if I ask what outcome you’re rooting for here? if he’s able to single handedly get a better bill than was drafted by 535 members of congress ( both parties obviously), will you be able to muster the honesty to give him credit?

Or do you hope he fails so that you can say all he did was delay the original bill, delay the assistance that was in there originally?

Do you hate him more than you like your neighbors?

Biden is telling Trump
to sign the bill passed by congress. Trump is trying to persuade congress to give much more to
americans. who is looking out more for regular folks? if it’s Biden, how so? Is $1200 for a couple
today, better than $4,000 for a couple, a week later?

what planet do you live on you are the biggest cult member here

trump never pushed anything you suggest . your beyond gullible ..

he single-handedly did nothing his own people conducted the negations no mention of 2k dems wanted it but Mitch was like hell No

Do you even know these were 2 separate bills and who combined these bills Mitch

please go away already!! you misrepresent the truth as bad if not worse than Trump ..

do you even know foreign aid provided through the U.S. State Department and 1.2% of total spending. and Defense spending accounts for 15 percent of all federal spending and roughly half of discretionary spending

Its funny republicans run against socialism than think Trump (lame duck) a hero for wanting to spend money like a socialist giving money back to the people ?? its crazy

Last edited by wdmso; 12-28-2020 at 03:03 PM..
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