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Old 12-22-2020, 04:11 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You really do think that Tweety has any idea what the Constitution says, has read it or listens to his attorneys advice?

I don't know if he has read it. You're question implies that you think he hasn't. I think that he listens to his attorneys. That he might sometime disagree with them, or that some of his attorneys may disagree with each other. You're question implies that he never does and that his attorneys are always right.

Foreign Agent General Flynn has the president's ear on post-election strategy.

It is possible that he had acted as a foreign agent in the past, which is not illegal. He was accused of not registering as one, for which his lawyer claimed Flynn considered his client to be a foreign corporation— Inovo, run by pro-Erdogan Turkish consultant Alptekin — rather than a foreign government, and thus Flynn didn’t need to register. But being a foreign agent is not in itself a bad thing nor illegal. And a lot of folks have The President's ear. You seem to clairvoyantly pick and choose whom he listens to or . . . doesn't.

So it matters when Flynn goes on TV, describes possible federal seizure of voting machines, sending military into swing states to 're-run' election, and defends martial law. None of which is constitutional, is illegal and there's a tape.

First, the insurrection act as not been declared by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional. Second, it matters only if Trump invoked it in this case--which he hasn't.

Jonathan Swan referring to Guiliani's claim that Powell is not on the team says "Giuliani can say all of this but I’ve spent the past four days on the phone to Trump aides and the consensus is that the president is listening to Sidney Powell more than just about anyone who is on his payroll, certainly more than his own White House Counsel."

Listening to Sidney Powell is not unconstitutional.

Don't tell Sidney Powell about this one--it'll be our secret, okay?

Well . . . it's not my secret . . . and you just exposed it.

Those fights that she and Rudy and recently pardoned foreign agent Mike Flynn keep having with the White House Counsel?

White House Counsels don't have privilege.

And just wait a few months, Sidney Powell's defense of Tweety at his District Court Trial for violations of the Ku Klux Klan Act is gonna be lit.
Yeah. Should be another hoot. Like the Mueller investigation and the impeachment.
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