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Old 12-22-2020, 02:25 PM   #4
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Again, inherent weakness in argument can be masked over with hyperbolic analysis and comparison. "Most extreme people"? This is dizzying caricature. Extreme in what way? Depends on who is defining it--those that were "purged" could be the most "extreme." All administrations have "purged" many of their members. And all have their own supposedly good reasons.

For the nth time, these dooms day scenarios, coups and such, are not possible if the law, especially the Constitution, is followed. So far, nothing that Trump has done re questioning the election and wanting to investigate large anomalies and reports of suspicious and illegal behaviors given under oath has been illegal. Nothing he or his supporters have done has been unconstitutional. Nor has he even refused to leave office. He is still legally in office, and time for him to leave has not arrived.

Asleep in your nightmare bubble? Wake up. And examine who and what is actually threatening the Constitution.
You really do think that Tweety has any idea what the Constitution says, has read it or listens to his attorneys advice?

Foreign Agent General Flynn has the president's ear on post-election strategy. So it matters when Flynn goes on TV, describes possible federal seizure of voting machines, sending military into swing states to 're-run' election, and defends martial law. None of which is constitutional, is illegal and there's a tape.

Jonathan Swan referring to Guiliani's claim that Powell is not on the team says "Giuliani can say all of this but I’ve spent the past four days on the phone to Trump aides and the consensus is that the president is listening to Sidney Powell more than just about anyone who is on his payroll, certainly more than his own White House Counsel."

Don't tell Sidney Powell about this one--it'll be our secret, okay?

Those fights that she and Rudy and recently pardoned foreign agent Mike Flynn keep having with the White House Counsel?

White House Counsels don't have privilege.

And just wait a few months, Sidney Powell's defense of Tweety at his District Court Trial for violations of the Klu Klux Klan Act is gonna be lit.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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