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Old 11-18-2020, 05:36 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
I have read a great majority of it, skimmed the last third. Agree with some views, disagree with a minor few. So why directed at me? Something I posted?

Because to me you appear to be an anti-Trumper with whom an actual intelligent, policy, and core principals discussion could be had. I had hoped for something from you other than the usual hate Trump rhetoric.

Because I have never typed here about the deadly effects a now closed coal burning plant had in my very neighborhood. So I am not going to get behind your fossil fuels job losses.

It's not "my" argument. I'm not for or against coal, especially the supposedly clean coal being used. I'm not against getting off of fossil fuels. Though, petroleum products are far more diverse than just combustion engine or other fuels. And those products are essential to our economy and our physical well being as we know it today.

Some of the arguments are simply painting the whole canvas black with a broad brush. Hey, I almost felt dirty voting for a democrat in the Presidential race. Trump gave me no choice. Let me say that again; Trump gave me no choice. I had that (legal) ballot sitting on the kitchen counter for weeks! Waiting for something, a sign, anything from Trump that would allow me not to vote against him.

What was it about him that gave you no choice?

And let's not forget, I was in the world of finance for close to 25 years. I know who controlled what with money during different administrations, ruled by different parties. Same chit happened on the other watch too, so not buying in to the Hollywood tech argument.

I agree, and have stated many times, that both parties are guilty of fooling us. They are comprised of politicians. Fooling us is a given. It is up to us to quit giving them more and more power to control us. Or it may come a time where they no longer have to fool us to control us.

Trump is an ass and he is showing his true colors. To his own self be true. At yours and my expense. Concede and open the White House to the victors. Let's move on. This charade is b u l l s h i t.
I am not aware of any extra expense that Trump has foisted on me. I even have less expense than I did in other administrations. His colors never seemed to be a mystery to me. He has been, as far as I can see, very transparent about who he is and what he is about. And even more so than most politicians. He has played far less a charade, it seems to me, than most politicians. One of the phoniest, charade driven politicians I have ever seen is Joe Biden. Putting him in the big seat extends his charade to new heights. And I think I will feel the bite of more expenses under the Dem policies.

It is the Dems, not Biden, that concern me. As I said over and over, for me it's not about Trump or Biden. There are some very basic principles in our system of government that are infinitely more important than either of those two.

For me, it is about maintaining what is left of our constitutional republican form of government, and getting back some of which has been lost, or totally becoming a Progressive form of an Administrative State.

I see you as a far more worthy anti-Trumper to have that discussion with than a Pete F or Spence or Got Stripers, etc. I think that if you and I seriously debated that, it could benefit all of us.

Of course, if you do not see that as an issue, then OK, it is simply that Trump is an ass. Or more of an ass than Biden. So then we can move on and nothing will basically change other than there will be less visible ass-clowning in the oval office.

Last edited by detbuch; 11-18-2020 at 05:44 PM..
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