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Old 11-11-2020, 11:51 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Tom Cotton is a Trump mini-me? He's as obnoxious and offensive as Trump? He's as immoral?

Cotton graduated cum laude (look up what that means) from Harvard and then Harvard Law. Instead of chasing money, he enlisted in the Army. They wanted him to be a JAG lawyer, he said no thanks I want the infantry, so he saw combat.

Nothing honorable there in your eyes? You see noting brave, or selfless, in that story? You see no patriotism, no integrity, NOTHING that deserves any credit? All you see, is a miniature Trump?

You stick with that, Einstein.
your clueless . reguardless of his past accomplishments Doesn't excuse him from the present.. Clearly you are influenced by shiny objects you ran to Amy defense in the same manner

I guess you think he is a hero for his letter to Iran clearly

Un-patriot games: GOP senators' letter to Iran is a treacherous betrayal of the U.S. constitutional system

Bannon told The New Yorker in November 2017: "Next to Trump, he's the elected official who gets it the most—the economic nationalism. Cotton was the one most supportive of us, up front and behind the scenes, from the beginning. He understands that the Washington élite—this permanent political class of both parties ... needs to be shattered." hes 100% Trumps Mini me
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