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Old 10-29-2020, 03:17 PM   #376
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Simple answer. Trump was right on the partial travel ban, maybe it should have gone further

The liberals listed were wrong at the times you quoted.

This was in the first months of this #^&#^&#^&#^&. We know from Woodward's recording Trump knew early, this had the potential to be bad. How much did the mayors and governors know in Feb/early March? I don't know. We know Trump knew it could be bad.

The difference is, the others (non-Trump) have adjusted course as we learned more about this thing. Trump has basically not. We are at all time daily highs on an upwards sloped and we have 'turned the corner'? (I don't love the SNL debate-stuff right now but Alec Baldwin as Trump had a good line about how this isn't a second wave because it never went back down). He is also out there making fun of mask and mask wearers. Yes there is still reasonable debate on that Jim, but the majority/plurality/consensus is that it seems to help limit spread.

USA Today even had an analysis that following Trump campaign rally's/events brought, cases have increased higher in those counties than elsewhere.
"The liberals listed were wrong at the times you quoted.

Literally, the only democrat here who can bring himself to say that. I respect that.

"We know Trump knew it could be bad. "

What should he have done in March, which he has the authority to do?

"the others (non-Trump) have adjusted course as we learned more about this thing."

Is Trump not now suggesting social distancing, masks, etc? Did he not get hospital ships and ventilators in CA and NY? Did the feds convert the Javits center in NY to a hospital?

"there is still reasonable debate on that (masks) Jim, but the majority/plurality/consensus is that it seems to help limit spread. "

Again, I agree 100% with your statement, and I also lean in favor of the guys who say masks help, and I wear one every time I go out. Again, you're the only liberal who can concede that there are studies questioning the value of masks. I don't buy into those studies, but I admit they exist. Only you can agree they exist.

I absolutely don't give Trump a good grade on his handling of the virus, and I never said I did. But I don't see specific policies that most people suggested, which he ignored, except for masks I guess, which I think he was reckless on. But isn't he now sayong to wear masks?

Bryan, in January, I thought we needed major lockdowns. I was terrified that seniors all over the country would die for lack of ventilators, that hospitals would be overwhelmed. None of that happened.

200k is a staggering, appalling number. If a consensus of experts was begging Trump in January to do something he didn't do, I'd agree much of this is on him. I don't see evidence that's the case. Maybe he was too casual in his words, but I don't take those cues from him or any president. Mt family (we are in CT) locked down in the spring, only went out when necessary, wore masks, stayed 10 feet away, sanitized our hands 25 times a day. Trump didn't tell me not to do those things.

Gov Cuomo ordered nursing homes (nursing homes of all places!) to admit covid-19 residents, when most nursing homes aren't anything close to a hospital. How many died as a direct result of that? And none of that is on Trump. And everyone on the left gives Cuomo a pass.

As I have said so many times, thanks for being the voice of reason and honesty on the left. Have a good afternoon, and stay safe.
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