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Old 10-27-2020, 08:03 AM   #232
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Jim all trump had to do is make it look like he was doing something and Americans could have said and would have said that was enough for them ..

But thats not what happen Trump denied it was an issue Fought against Masks tooth and nail .. {like you he made a suggestion here or there as evidence of his objectivity AKA to cover a base } the whole white house had a super spreader event,, Then he doubled down after he got out of Walter reed .. the head of the pandemic response Pence refuses to follow his own protocols. and his own chief of staff waved the white flag

I am sorry cutting off travel from China doesn't carry water anymore , operations warp speed Americans have seen right thru it .. Because torpedoed his own plan by offering un realistic release exceptions .. and even now with the Dakotas Wisconsin and areas in Texas exploding in Covid cases
he says we are rounding the bend or the the numbers are up because nurses and doctors and hospitals are inflating Covid numbers to GET PAID and hurt him really. I guess he has no idea whats going on in Europe ..

And for all the anti maskers (not suggesting you are one ) in general next time they have a surgery. please tell your surgeon and his team that you feel masks dont work.. so dont wear any and see what they tell you>>>
"Jim all trump had to do is make it look like he was doing something and Americans could have said and would have said that was enough for them "

So you would have been happy if he just made it look like he did something.

So the way he helped NY and CA, getting hospital ships there, converting convention centers to hospitals, getting them more than enough respirators, that wasn't even the appearance of doing anything?

Working with public and private agencies to ramp up production of masks and testing capabilities, that wasn't even the phony appearance of doing anything?

Here is an article with videos, where Gov Cuomo of NY said Trump "has delivered for NY. He has."

So Governor Cuomo of NY, who isn't a huge fan of Trump, said explicitly that Trump did a lot to help the state of NY.

So, maybe you want to reconsider your asinine statement.

Here is an article where Gov Newsom of CA, also praised Trump's coronavirus actions. A quote from Newsom...

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN. "So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you"

In other words, the CA governor says you are lying, when you say he didn't do anything constructive or helpful.

As always, his tweets, comments, and style were often disgusting. His actions? Well, don't take my word for it Wayne, just read the comments from two of the most liberal governors in the country.

Trump helped them. Again, I can only imagine how much you hate that fact. But that's the thing about facts, they don't care whether you like them or not.

Put down the blind partisanship for 10 seconds, take off the tin foil hat, and think.

You have been pulverized.
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