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Old 10-19-2020, 08:35 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Right he has put an MRI doctor in charge of the Covid team, which probably explains your herd immunity posts and now his tweet stating masks don’t work was thankfully taken down by Twitter. His statements on Dr. Fauci clearly tell you where his head is at, basically up his own arse.
I don't have a hard and sure opinion on any of the "science" behind covid. I have seen and heard conflicting evidence. Also, their is a lot more to consider in fighting the pandemic than just focusing on killing and containing the virus. There is the total effect not just of the virus itself but the consequence of things likes the lockdown. There is solid evidence that the lockdown also causes different kinds of death, physical and mental health breakdowns, economic disaster, and long time impact of all those things.

Atlas is an advisor among others who have their various expertise. Mr. Atlas is a data wonk. His input should be a balancing of our response to best mitigate all the negatives. You won't watch it, and you claim that you won't read any of this, but for those who might want a wider more objective view of Atlas and his input, this video should help to temper or reject the biased, frankly political smear of him:

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