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Old 10-19-2020, 03:34 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
I’m old enough to remember Trump saying it would disappear like a miracle.

We’re making Trump disappear at the polls. Trump is a disaster and it’s time to stop the bleeding and the deaths.
Trump and Biden, as well as all the other biased pols have said a lot of lying BS. Your selective memory is meaningless other than some political talking point. And Trump losing won't "like a miracle" stop the bleeding and the deaths. It'll stop, as if by magic, the leftist media from making a bogus issue about it, and, as if by magic, their current complaints and accusations will turn to praise of what a wonderful job Biden is doing to defeat the virus. Even though all the ground work for defeating it has already been laid, and Biden won't be doing much different. It's like when Biden magically gave Obama credit for what looked like a successful democratic revolution in Iraq . . . after blaming Bush for actually making it possible.

In my opinion, what would be a disaster is if the Dems revert to bringing back their old taxes and regulations and creating another historically low recovery and a return of their beloved stagnant "new normal." Not to mention re-invigorating their Progressive incremental destruction of the Constitution.

But Trump will be gone. So all will be well. As well as the slow disintegration of the American Republic with its outdated reverence for quaint notions of liberty and individual rights will allow. An older generation of "liberals" warned us of this brave new world that is coming. The current Progressives want the opportunity to make their version of it happen.
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