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Old 10-07-2020, 10:09 AM   #28
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,069
White House officials believe Tweety was infected at the event for Judge Barrett on Saturday Sept 26.

They will not say when Tweety last tested negative, raising questions as to whether he was tested at all between infection and the debate Tuesday Sept 29.

This is important...

NYT reporter Michael Shear believes he got infected Sept 26 either at the WH (required to go to get a COVID test because he was traveling with Tweety) or on Air Force One with Tweety the night of Saturday Sept 26.

Did Tweety test negative that day? WH won’t say.

The next day, Sunday Sept 27, Tweety briefed reporters in the Briefing Room and hosted Gold Star families in an event with no masks or social distancing required.

Did Tweety test negative before meeting these families?

WH won’t say.

A Coast Guard admiral who attended that Gold Star Family event tested positive the next day.

The White House did not initiate contact with the Gold Star families to let them know of the infection, the Washington Post reports.

And then of course Tweety flew to Ohio to debate Joe Biden on Tuesday September 29.

Gov DeWine says the WH did not contact him to alert him Tweety had tested positive or to coordinate contact tracing of Ohioans put at risk of infection.

And again: when did Tweety last test negative?

That’s information the Biden campaign, the CPD, Ohioans and others have a right to know.

Tweety flew to Minnesota Sept 30 — did he test negative that day? WH won’t say.

The White House refuses to answer as to when Tweety last tested negative. This isn’t just an issue of the public’s right to know, it’s also a public health issue given that Tweety is contagious. What possible justification is there for not sharing this info?

When asked when Tweety last tested negative, Commander Conley said “I don’t want to move backwards.”

That is not an acceptable answer. The White House needs to say, on the record, when Tweety last tested negative.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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