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Old 10-01-2020, 08:41 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Yesterday, Trump didn't only refuse again to condemn white supremacists; it's much worse. He told them to prepare for violence.
This insane. He has condemned white supremacists, bigotry, racism, several times. Did you even notice the post just before yours. His repeated rejection of these things is on printed record and on video, easily found IF YOU HAVE THE HONESTY TO SEEK THE TRUTH RATHER THAN JUST KEEP REPEATING IGNORANT LIES.

And he didn't tell the Proud Boys to prepare for violence, he told them to refrain from it. Wallace's question about condemning white supremacists included have them "stand down." So, after asking Wallace to name who he meant, and Biden blurted out Proud Boys, Trump acceded to both, using their language of "stand down" and "Proud Boys", and told the Proud boys to stand back and stand by. He later explained, when asked by a reporter, that they should stand aside and let law enforcement do its job.

But you have an agenda to push, don't you.
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