Thread: Hahahaha
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Old 09-29-2020, 03:29 PM   #107
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You have once again claimed the ability to read minds and determine opinions.
And then rationalized the comparison of Clinton’s BJ with the actions of the current occupant of the White House.
Good luck with that

And think about this

Seven members of George W. Bush’s cabinet have endorsed Biden.

So have more than 70 former Republican national security officials.

So have seven former GOP governors, four former GOP senators, and more than two dozen former GOP House members.

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SO let's recap Pete.

When Bill Clinton was POTUS, the democrats said his ethics didn't matter, what mattered were his results. The Republicans attacked his character.

Today, the democrats attack Trumps character, and the Republicans now say that character doesn't matter but results do.

Try to follow along here, this is where you have trouble keeping up...

BOTH SIDES are saying the opposite of what they said before (just like they flip flopped on the supreme court nominations in election years). Even according to your own post, BOTH SIDES are flip-flopping, saying whatever suits them based on whoever is in power at that time.

I can call out the hypocrisy on both sides. To deny that, would be to deny reality.

You, as always, go the "deny reality" route.

Not just Clintons affair. But the emphatic way he lied to us about it, which takes a special kind of scumbag to do with a straight face (Trump could easily pull it off). And the way he used his wife to claim the GOP was framing him, and the way she attacked his victims on national TV.

You want to split hairs, fine. Between the two of us, I am the one who can admit hypocrisy on my side. I've never seen you do it. I don't think you can.

Here, let's try. When Bush was POTUS, Biden said no SC nominations should be made in an election year, and that if a president made a nomination, the senate should refuse to vote. That's exactly what the GOP did in 2016, but Biden had flip-flopped 180 degrees, and was no saying the president could make a nomination, and that the senate had a duty to vote.

You tell me if that's consistent logic, or if its naked hypocrisy.

Were all ears, buddy.
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