Thread: Hahahaha
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Old 09-29-2020, 02:06 PM   #105
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
That was the liberal argument for ignoring Bill Clinton's character - that he's doing things liberals want done - and conservatives at the time ridiculed it as a sign of a bankrupt party selling its soul. I guess the GOP was right all along about the price of selling out.
SO you're also saying that liberals flip-flopped. With Bill Clinton, they said ignore character and only pay attention to results. Right?

I accepted that argument, as I said then, and still say today, that Clinton was a scumbag who happened to be a good president.

I'm sorry Pete, if you idolize Bill CLinton, you can't lecture anyone else on the importance of character. That's the definition of wanting to have it both ways (as many republicans also want).

Amazing you point put the republican hypocrisy, and not a syllable about democrat hypocrisy on the same exact issue. You probably can't even see the democrat hypocrisy.
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