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Old 09-25-2020, 09:19 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
There's no evidence of this, stop getting your information from Reddit.

Correct, she was an ER Technician who aspired to be a nurse. Clearly she had a dark heart

Actually she rented a car, loaned it to her boyfriend at the time who loaned it to someone else. The police investigated and determined she had no knowledge of the crime.

Actually the leaked unverified draft memo of the jailhouse recording has been characterized by the police as taken out of context.

When plainclothes police fire randomly and excessively at an unknown target while executing an illegal search warrant what does that tell you about the professionalism of the local PD?
"There's no evidence of this,"

The hell there isn't! Her name was on the warrant, there were tape recorded conversation (used to justify the warrant) that she was involved.

Just keep making it up as you go along, Spence.
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