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Old 09-01-2020, 05:17 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
12 year old boy playing with an airsoft gun. Person who called the police said it was probably fake. Cops fly in and shoot him without nearly any dialogue. City pays 6m for the action.

He was shot because he was black.

The kid was pointing the gun at the police. The gun wasn't "black."

Wait, so he was shot *because* he was resisting someone who just chased him down and was threatening him with a rifle? This is a special kind of stupid.

He was out for a jog, he was shot because he was black.

His "jog," as it apparently was before, was temporarily delayed by the necessity of illegally trespassing on private property which had mysteriously (not so mysterious as shown by surveillance cameras in the property) had various tools periodically stolen.

If the men who responded to the illegal trespass had wanted to shoot the "jogger" because he was black, they didn't have to wait until he assaulted one of them and tried to take his gun. He could have been blown away with several shots as he approached or as he was followed, or as he was passed.

Or was it just more exciting, more of an adventure in the "kill the black man game," to wait until he could possibly disarm you and kill you first?

Multiple cops on the scene can't stop a father with three kids so it's a death sentence? You don't put 7 rounds into someone to slow them down.

He was shot because he was black, and this is why they protest.
Yeah that's it . . . intentionally let him escape your grasp so you can shoot him in the back while playing the "kill the black man game."

So when the cops kill white people, who they kill more than black people, are they killing them because they are white?
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