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Old 08-28-2020, 09:21 AM   #49
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
By skin it is not fair treatment of the law - we have not reached fairness yet, and fully. Black people are proportionally targeted higher than others - it is not right and it is not fair. If the guy had a record or he beat his wife or had a rape charge, DV history, Assault with weapons charges can and SHOULD be a metric. Blowing up and defunding the entire system is not the answer.

But we don't know if the guy was reaching for something, clearly you are with the not other factors mattering or determined by investigation.

We are not having the conversation on what will really make strides to fix the system, we have people wanting to tear everything down because that will somehow be better - what a stupid effing thing to believe.

We are not trying to get where facts dictate what happened we are where narrative writes what to believe. We can't wait until the facts say George Floyd was wrongly murdered (likely, but the legal system needs to decide) and too many people ignore that Mike Brown was found the aggressor

We no longer take facts in the matter because "Hands Up Don't Shoot", meant to never happened with Michael Brown yet almost everyone thinks he said that and people shout it at every protest. And people then went out and executed cops in many places because reacting before understanding the facts.

Other black people have died because wrong decisions by cops and sheer stupidity, and it is wrong, happnes to white preople too. What is it by demographics? Is it outsized then too?

The vast majority of everyone thinks that

Of course MSNBC did. There is also a common thread since yesterday that the cops in Kenosha were giving the shooter water because

I am not buying your insanity, there is a difference.
"Other black people have died because wrong decisions by cops and sheer stupidity, and it is wrong, happnes to white preople too. What is it by demographics? Is it outsized then too?"

According to the National Academy of Sciences...if you look at the number of actual unarmed people killed by police by race...

if you compare that to national %s of race, it happens to blacks disproportionately.

If you compare it to the % of race that live in big cities (where most of these encounters happen), it's not disproportionate.

The entire democratic party, including all the liberals here and in the media, are acting no differently than Al Sharpton did at his worst. As soon as we hear there is an encounter, we scream racist assassination, before we know any facts. Facts don't matter. Winning in November matters. That's all that matters.
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