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Old 08-27-2020, 03:13 PM   #34
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: vt
Posts: 13,069
There were protests for BLM in all 50 states. There was destruction associated with some events.
There have always been people taking advantage of protests or dissension to steal, destroy or otherwise inappropriately behave or express themselves. Nothing new here, but now we are claiming that we have discovered who has been doing it. Where was Antifa in 1965 at the Watts riots? 67 in Detroit? 92 in LA? 1898 in Wilmington? 1863 in NYC? 1921 in West Virginia? 1863 in Richmond? 1824 in Hardscrabble and Snowtown? There have been hundreds.
Every one of those had significant destruction associated with them, some included mass murders.
If you are falling for the BE VERY AFRAID of Antifa and it's the Dems message of the RNC you're being played.

It's pretty obvious that there are issues with law enforcement in this country. There are no simple solutions.
But militarizing the police will not make it go away, it hasn't so far has it?
I have not seen any movement towards a solution by this administration other than offers to send federal officers to do something.
Just what are they going to do, run the protesters over with tanks like the CCP or gas them like Tweety in DC? It's pretty much guaranteed to escalate the dissension.

There are things that can be done and have not.

It is within the Jurisdiction of the DOJ to look into Civil Rights violations, which is what most police issues arise from. Since President Trump took office, the Justice Department has publicly announced only one pattern-or-practice investigation into a police department. Additionally, the Justice Department has another tool for working with police departments to implement large-scale reforms, but the Trump administration has rolled that back as well. For many years, the Collaborative Reform Initiative in its Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) spearheaded police reform by “undertaking assessments of a law enforcement agency’s operations, providing recommendations for reform, and assisting the agency in implementing those reforms.”

Through this program, which had widespread support from police chiefs across the country, the Justice Department avoided complex and lengthy litigation by working with cities to reform policing practices. The COPS’s Office worked with cities including Las Vegas, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and San Francisco.

In 2017, however, Sessions announced that the COPS Office would abandon this practice and discontinue the significant work that began under the Obama administration. At that time, 16 police departments across the country had signed up for the program. According to the New York Times, the “initiative was popular enough among chiefs that there was a monthslong wait to join it; now, the Justice Department has told at least one city that it must file a public records request even to see the program’s research on its police department.”
Just being vocal about doing something instead of saying "white people get killed by police too" would have done something to move towards a solution.

Power does not make you a leader, but leadership produces power.
Trump has shown himself to be incapable of leading.
But as I said in May, no civil strife would not have produced the distraction from Trump's failure on the virus, what has occurred is to his advantage and Kellyanne Conway said it out loud today.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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