Thread: Vote Hard
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Old 08-23-2020, 06:20 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Ok Thanks. I guess I'm just lucky - not in my circle of friends.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
As I said, you're a better person the I. I do have a much larger than average "circle" of aquaintances that are not necessarily "friends," but have known them well enough to have witnessed their family dynamics.

I does give me a broad insight into how varied and often quixotic human nature can be, and, even so, how wrong it can be to quickly dismiss flawed humans as being dysfunctional, or incompetent because of quirks and flaws in their personalities, or in their circle of friends and family. Some of the quirkiest, flawed, even errant, people I've met have been among the most brilliant in intellect and competent in their special fields or endeavors.
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