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Old 08-01-2020, 05:22 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Gee wiz, how about better messaging from the top from the get go, your blinders need to be adjusted so you can see beyond the narrow vision from your mothers basement window allows.
"from the get go" has got up and gone. And the worldwide messaging, back then, including the WHO and the Democrats was very mixed and anti-lock down, anti-travel restriction, anti-masks, anti-virus being easily transmittable. By the time it became a sort of consensus to the "experts" who had a public voice that all of that seemed to be wrong, the virus had already had the start, worldwide, it needed to implant itself and quietly spread until all of the infections started to show up. Trump's messaging vacillated with the rest of the world, but he took it as seriously as anybody else.

Pete's "I take no responsibility" quote is transformed out of context into a fake meme used to hammer Trump, but if flies in the face of the fact that he took a lot of responsibility from the start of it becoming more serious than world "messaging" implied. He differed on some opinions from some of his experts, such as on hydroxychloroquine, but rarely, if ever, on their major opinions. Whatever Fauci and Byrx asked him to do, he did. He left some things, like masks, up to the public, but didn't say they should not be worn. But even Fauci, and other "experts," early on, had mixed opinions on the efficacy of masks, and lockdowns, etc. Trump's current messaging is far more in line with what you want, I presume.
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