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Old 07-24-2020, 10:28 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Watch and listen to the videos why

Don't know which videos you refer to, but when I post videos you pay them no credence so I don't know what special credence I should give to yours. Most video clips, from both "sides" are slices from a whole meant to disparage in some way. You used to chide me for relying on the net which is supposedly full of junk, but you don't mind searching it to find what suits you.

my disdain for Trump is based on his action his words

Words from anyone, selected for a purpose, can distort for a purpose. Trump has spoken lots of conciliatory, unifying, patriotic, attempts at compromise, that you won't quote. Words have been selected from Obama, Clinton, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, to make them look bad. It's easy to do.

his personal lack of integrity he is a man with zero moral character...

If we don't personally know the man, we can only depend on what others say. And how they slant it. In terms of what has been said about Trump, it depends on the source. There certainly have been testimonials to his showing "moral" character as well as the opposite. How you arrive at zero moral character, I don't know.

I suspect it's what you want to be true.

And, for whatever reason, other politicians, don't seem to get incessant scrutiny of their character. I suspect that Biden wouldn't do all that great on the moral count if fly speck scrutiny were done on his past.

it has nothing to do with the word Republican. Because he isnt one .. he is a RINO of the highest order ..

I don't know what an accurate definition of "Republican" is other than claiming to be one. There is a lot of diversity between all the pols within each party. Trump has governed as, or more, conservatively than most of the recent Republican Presidents.

you cant drain a swamp if you've lived in one your whole life

Sure you can.

and just replaced it with creatures from your own swamp . Who put their loyalty to Trump before country

Another one of your unsubstantiated opinions.

DHS director as case in point lobbyists and only acting ... the law states Acting Secretary can only serve for 210 days following vacancy by a Senate-confirmed officehold.
So much for I am the law an order president,,, I'd like to know who's driving and making Trumps decisions,,, because hes not coming up with these end arounds or his article 2 position on his own...
Don't know much about that. Apparently, there are ways to get around the 210 days. Every administration has pulled shenanigans. No doubt Trump's has its share.

For me reputed character is far down on the list of reasons to vote. Leading Democrats are no more "moral" in any important way, as far as I'm concerned, than Trump.
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