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Old 07-23-2020, 06:27 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
I can continue to defend the criminals and their lawlessness and act as though they have "rights" as they trample the rights of others

Yes doing just that makes this country not china not russia and a host of other nations.
, no one is defending their lawlessness , were against law enforcement and this administration justifying law enforcement ,,action of , snatching people off the street wisking them to unknown locations and yet pressing no charges

But your acceptance of these action goes to the root cause of BLM and the out cry against police brutality, you enable police to step outside the law to exact retribution ...rather than demanding they operate with in the law

You clear have ingnored Trumps rhetoric on the topic ,,, or the absent of their presence in years past in some of these same areas or Trumps pattern of trying to please his sending Troops to stop those horrible Mexicans caravan prior to the mid term elections,,

Also the right after every mass shooting the right continue to defend the criminals and their lawlessness and act as though they have "rights" as they trample the rights of others.... and complain about gun control and those who's rights were taken aka killed get T&P.

ALSO. Were are all these tough guy sheriffs who go on Fox proclaiming they wont do this or wont do that because it unconstitutional. It wont help them in a reelection iam guessing?

Look at what happen to liz Cheney attacked for not be loyal enough to the dear leader. Wake up your supporting a character not a POTUS who thinks he has absolute power.. and his base thinks so as well

Last edited by wdmso; 07-23-2020 at 06:32 AM..
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