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Old 07-22-2020, 09:37 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think he put a lot of thoughts into his remarks which speak for themselves.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
"Had I been governor even now, I would welcome the opportunity to work with any federal agency to reduce crime or lawlessness in any of the cities.

So he put a lot of thought in saying that he would welcome the opportunity to do what the mayor of Portland does not welcome? This is supposed to support your and the mayor's opinion?

But ... it would be a cold day in hell before I would consent to a unilateral, uninvited intervention into one of my cities."

So he put a lot of thought in using the word "intervention"? The federal agents aren't intervening (interfering, intruding, meddling, interposing, mediating, etc.) in Portland's handling of the riots. The feds are doing their own work of protecting federal property and personnel authorized by US code 1315. They are not "intervening" in Portland's efforts. They are not involving themselves in Portland's efforts. If, coincidentally, there is an unavoidable intersection, that is collateral, incidental, not intentional intervention. That coincidence could be seen in the reverse as Portland "intervening" in legal federal law enforcement if you want to loosely and inappropriately use the word "intervene."
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